Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22nd Blog

These are a couple still shots that I got when a group of us went to the Petroglyph Canyons. The first and second were captured during a sunrise with the second being a little after and didn't really have that good of lighting on it to make it interesting and so I decided to go with a black and white. The 3rd photo was set up with the fire right below a group of carvings. The fire was made, the tracks were wiped away and snow was covered over areas to make it look like no one had been there and gave it this awesome look. For the third photo, we had captured it from different angles and too be honest, I do like the photo and the set up, but I'm not a big fan of the angle that I took it from.

The entire trip was pretty fun with the only downside being cold every night. As soon as you got into your sleeping bag, you didn't really want to get out. It was also interesting learning about something like this being so close to Billings. It was even funnier learning about the perversion that the tribe had that I didn't think would have existed in a tribe that lived so long ago. The same perversion also gave the valley a nickname that I didn't know about and that Dave told me. The Valley of the Dong; due to being that the tribesmen were known for having long genitalia. As for that being an actual nickname for the valley...that I am unsure of...

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